
5.3.2 Pre-Tenure Review Committee

Each department chair or coordinator will appoint faculty representatives, from the pool of tenured associate and full professors in the department (or equivalent academic unit) to serve on the Pre-Tenure Review Committee (“Pre-TRC”).  The Pre-TRC will conduct the pre-tenure review of eligible candidates in the department based on the departmental, college, and university criteria for tenure.  Upon completion of the review, the Pre-TRC will upload a letter with feedback on the candidate's status for P&T (“Pre-TRC Letter”). The letter will include (i) explicit, informed, and candid feedback for each category (teaching, service, and scholarship), concerning the candidate's accomplishments, quality of contributions, and weaknesses or deficiencies; and (ii) guidance on improving performance in each category, including teaching, service, and scholarship, particularly with reference to recommendations for faculty development activities that might address deficiencies in the candidate's supporting documentation.