
5.5.1 Policy Statement – Post-Tenure Review

The university post-tenure review process (PTR) follows the guidelines of the USG BOR Policy Manual (). The post-tenure review process shall support the further career development of tenured candidates as well as ensure accountability and continued robust performance from candidates after they have achieved tenure. All tenured faculty who have rank and tenure with an academic unit must undergo post-tenure review five years after the award of tenure and subsequently every five years unless it is interrupted by a further review for promotion to a higher academic rank (Associate to Full Professor) or a corrective PTR may be initiated by two sustained unsatisfactory annual reviews ().

With the exception of tenured administrators who teach less than 50% as part of their duties (as determined by the provost), all tenured faculty will be reviewed. Tenured administrators will go through a comprehensive 360 degree evaluation every five years regardless of promotion status. Administrators who teach less than 50% and are eligible may apply for promotion following the established faculty guidelines. Administrators who return to a full-time teaching load will have a post-tenure review in their fifth year following the return to full-time faculty status.

The post-tenure review is directed toward multi-year accomplishments and plans for professional development. The review should be both retrospective and prospective, considering that faculty will have different emphases and assignments at various points in their careers. The post-tenure review is not a reconsideration of tenure, but a constructive five-year performance review which serves to highlight contributions and future opportunities, as well as identify any deficiencies in performance and, in those cases, provide a plan for addressing concerns. Criteria for post-tenure review are different from tenure (see section 5.4).